Военные учения Земессардзе: 6 и 7 марта близ Крепости может быть шумно 51

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My full respect to you. Бабушка Дуся

Fuck you grandmother Dusya or a fool, how are you there with someone else's nickname

Ответы на коммент:

Fuck you grandmother Dusya or a fool, how are you there with someone else's nickname Из за бугра


Fuck you grandmother Dusya or a fool, how are you there with someone else's nickname Из за бугра

You are mentally deranged idiot, I am laughing now.

Fuck you grandmother Dusya or a fool, how are you there with someone else's nickname Из за бугра

главком отозвался, иди за бугор тявкай, сука, здесь говорят на русском.