Пабрикс о новом правительстве: коней на переправе не меняют 5

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People sit in fat armchair of parliament thinking what they can do and little by little they start understand they can do nothing . The profession they play before not exist anymore . Too fun look at from side of people of professions . Because not professional actors spin around like fish looking for something to eat .
The time of the today demanding exact strong knowledge in profile , but this people not use professionals site of internet too match this demand . Serious Europe organization if they are real never can take this people to do some work .Bla bla not work any more .
To be fitted for today of reality it is need to be persistent in wish to gain exact knowledge for exact work to do .
It is time for students to be in parliament. But not old fake makers who hide documentations and portfolios from them 4 years ago when initiative was advised from Europe and America when some guy fusing it to America and Europe . Of cause it is dangerous for old back pack fascist of the body to be progressive .Believe there is nothing to hide inside portfolio any more is all damage .