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When only a few can bring down the economy of a Country, possibly of the World, you should learn what it is like to live with the concept of the “chosen people”.
Welcome to the ideal of a Greater Israel.
“Many simultaneous rebellions stirred up in Arab Countries will benefit in the end only the State of Israel with the expansion of its territory
in Europe and in the US, the financial resources "like magic" will disappear through bailouts, tax cuts and elaborated emergency maneuvers which will be ruled only to appear beneficial for those Countries but instead appositely designed for their collapse (except for England that will push Europe over the precipice).
The Deception supported by the media is the Zionist main weapon and there is a risk that people will realize what is happening only when it will be too late and there will be no alternatives.
Thus, one should not listen to the media but observe the events.
TV media and newspapers will never tell you that an Israeli firm had placed the explosives that brought down the 3 buildings in NY on 9/11. ICTS was the only security firm in charge for the twin towers and building 7 (most people still do not know about this building that fell without being hit by any plane or other). ICTS was also the security company in charge for all airports that had allowed the highjack planes on 9/11 to depart. The work force of ICTS was the only people to have access at night inside the 3 buildings and to allow Israeli agents to place those explosives inconspicuously before 9/11. Israeli agents were in fact arrested nearby on 9/11 transporting large amount of explosives in a white van (Chevrolet 2000) but they were later released by the Bush administration. Not as a coincidence, the same day, on 9/11 2001, and at the same time, a CIA operation called Able Danger was reproducing a military exercise that was supposed to mimic an attack by few planes crashing on buildings. But all this was never reported by the media although the future of all people depends on how 9/11 is intended.
First of its kind, this worldwide crisis was provoked through a terror event (9/11) plotted by a US president, George Bush, in cahoots with the Israeli Mossad. This event was plotted to destabilize the equilibrium of every Country and trigger a chain of events almost unavoidable all of them part of the same Plan.”
There is only one Solution for this planned chain of events.